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Plone is a powerful content management system built on a rock-solid application stack written in the Python and JavaScript programming languages.
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Plone is made possible only through the efforts of thousands of dedicated individuals and hundreds of companies. The Plone Foundation:
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Technical Details
- Volto 18.7.0
- Plone
- plone.restapi
- Zope
- Python
- @plone/volto-slate 18.2.0
- volto-subblocks 2.1.0
- volto-form-block 3.10.2
- @eeacms/volto-accordion-block 10.4.6
- @kitconcept/volto-button-block 3.0.3
- @kitconcept/volto-heading-block 2.4.0
- @kitconcept/volto-highlight-block 4.0.0
- @kitconcept/volto-introduction-block 1.0.0
- @kitconcept/volto-separator-block 4.1.2
- @kitconcept/volto-slider-block 6.3.1
- @kitconcept/volto-light-theme 5.0.2
- volto-kitconcept-plonedemo 1.0.0-alpha.0
You are running in 'debug mode'. This mode is intended for sites that are under development. This allows many configuration changes to be immediately visible, but will make your site run more slowly. To turn off debug mode, stop the server, set 'debug-mode=off' in your buildout.cfg, re-run bin/buildout and then restart the server process.